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Selected journal publications, conference publications, and publication stats.
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Selected Publications
Townes, P., Panesar, P., Liu, C., Lee, S., Devoe, D., Arnold, P., Crosbie, J., Schachar. Executive function in youth with ADHD and ASD: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 22nd Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
J Devoe, D., Han, A., Anderson, A., Katzman, D. K., Patten, S. B., Soumbasis, A., Flanagan, J., Paslakis, G., Vyver, E., Marcoux, G., & Dimitropoulos, G. (2023). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on eating disorders: A systematic review. The International journal of eating disorders, 56(1), 5–25.
Devoe, D. J., Dimitropoulos, G., Anderson, A., Bahji, A., Flanagan, J., Soumbasis, A., Patten, S. B., Lange, T., & Paslakis, G. (2021). The prevalence of substance use disorders and substance use in anorexia nervosa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of eating disorders, 9(1), 161.
Devoe, D. J., Anderson, A., Bahji, A., Singh, M., Patten, S. B., Soumbasis, A., Ramirez Pineda, A., Flanagan, J., Richardson, C., Lange, T., Dimitropoulos, G., & Paslakis, G. (2022). The Prevalence of Impulse Control Disorders and Behavioral Addictions in Eating Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 724034.
Bahji, A., Bach, P., Danilewitz, M., Crockford, D., El-Guebaly, N., Devoe, D. J., & Saitz, R. (2022). Comparative efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapies for alcohol withdrawal: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 117(10), 2591–2601.
Bhattarai, A., King, N., Adhikari, K., Dimitropoulos, G., Devoe, D., Byun, J., Li, M., Rivera, D., Cunningham, S., Bulloch, A. G. M., Patten, S. B., & Duffy, A. (2022). Childhood Adversity and Mental Health Outcomes Among University Students: A Longitudinal Study. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, 7067437221111368. Advance online publication.
Devoe, D. J., Lange, T. C., MacPherson, P., Traber, D. K., Perry, R., Schraeder, K., Patten, S. B., Arnold, P., & Dimitropoulos, G. (2022). Supporting the Transition to Postsecondary Institutions for Students with Mental Health Conditions: A Scoping Review. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l'Academie canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, 31(2), 64–74.
Kelsven, S., Brummit, K., Devoe, D., Santesteban-Echarri, O., Auther, A., Cornblatt, B., Cadenhead, K., Granholm, E., Holden, J., Kelly, M., & Addington, J. (2022). Cognitive-Behavioral Social Skills Training Adapted for Youth at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy, JCP-2021-0029.R1. Advance online publication.
Bahji, A., Bach, P., Danilewitz, M., Crockford, D., Devoe, D. J., El-Guebaly, N., & Saitz, R. (2022). Pharmacotherapies for Adults With Alcohol Use Disorders: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. Journal of addiction medicine, 16(6), 630–638.
Dimitropoulos, G., Lindenbach, D., Devoe, D.J., Gunn, E., Cullen, O., Bhattari, A., Kuntz, J., Binford, W., Patten, S., & Arnold, P.D. (2022). Experiences of Canadian mental health providers in identifying and responding to online and in-person sexual abuse and exploitation of their child and adolescent clients. Child Abuse & Neglect. DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105448
Devoe, D., Cadenhead, K., Walsh, B., Granholm, E., Addington, J. (2021). Negative symptoms: Associations with defeatist beliefs, self-efficacy, and maladaptive schemas in youth and young adults at-risk for psychosis. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1-14. doi:10.1017/S1352465821000461
Devoe, D., Dimitropoulos, G., Anderson, A., Bahji, A., Flanagan, J., Soumbasis, A., Patten, S., Lange, T., Paslakis, G. (2021). The prevalence of substance use disorders and substance use in anorexia nervosa: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Eating Disorders, 9(1), 161. DOI: 10.1186/s40337-021-00516-3
Daniel J Devoe, Amy Braun, Thomas Seredynsk, Jean Addington (2020). Negative Symptoms and Functioning in Youth at Risk of Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Harvard Review in Psychiatry.
Paul Metzak, Daniel Devoe, Jean Addington (2020). Brain Changes Associated with Negative Symptoms in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: A Systematic Review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
Daniel J Devoe, Megan Farris, Parker Townes, Jean Addington (May 2020) Interventions and Transition in Youth at Risk of Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Meta‐analysis. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Jean Addington, Megan Farris, Daniel Devoe, Paul Metzak (2020). Progression from Being At-Risk To Psychosis: Next Steps. Nature Partner Journals (npj) Schizophrenia.
McGirr, A., Devoe, D. J., Raedler, A., Debert, C. T., Ismail, Z., & Berlim, M. T. (2021). Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis: La Stimulation Magnétique Transcrânienne Répétitive Pour le Traitement du Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique : Une Revue Systématique et une Méta-Analyse en Réseau. Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, 66(9), 763–773.
Daniel Devoe; Lu Lui; T.D. Cannon; K.S. Cadenhead; B.A. Cornblatt; T.H. McGlashan; D.O. Perkins; L.J. Seidman; M.T. Tsuang; S.W. Woods; E.F. Walker; D.H. Mathalon; C.E. Bearden; Jean Addington (March 2020). Persistent Negative Symptoms in Youth at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: A Longitudinal Study. Schizophrenia Research.
Megan S. Farris, Daniel J Devoe, Jean Addington: Attrition Rates in Trials for Adolescents and Young Adults at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 07/2019;, DOI:10.1111/eip.12864
Jean Addington, Daniel J Devoe, Olga Santesteban-Echarri: Multidisciplinary Treatment for Individuals at Clinical High Risk of Developing Psychosis. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics 01/2019;, DOI:10.1007/s40501-019-0164-6
Devoe, D. J., Farris, M. S., Townes, P., & Addington, J. (2019). Interventions and social functioning in youth at risk of psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Early intervention in psychiatry, 13(2), 169–180.
Devoe, D. J., Farris, M. S., Townes, P., & Addington, J. (2019). Attenuated psychotic symptom interventions in youth at risk of psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Early intervention in psychiatry, 13(1), 3–17.
Daniel J Devoe, Aaron Peterson, Jean Addington: Negative Symptom Interventions in Youth at Risk of Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin 10/2017; 44(4)., DOI:10.1093/schbul/sbx139
Katherine D. Arbuthnott, Daniel Devoe: Understanding of Biodiversity Among Western Canadian University Students. Human Ecology 02/2014; 42(1)., DOI:10.1007/s10745-013-9611-y
Katherine D. Arbuthnott, Daniel Devoe, Tricia Lawrie: Economic Development and Environmental Intentions: A Comment on Liu and Sibley (2011). Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 12/2012; 12(1)., DOI:10.1111/j.1530-2415.2012.01289.x
Devoe, D. (2012). Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy: The Search For Purpose and Meaning. Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse, 4(07)
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